our mission, our plans…

Mission: Empower people who turn adversity into opportunity

The Open Hearts Foundation empowers emerging and growing nonprofit organizations whose origins and mission are consistent with the precepts of the Open Hearts philosophy.

As a 501(c)(3) public nonprofit charity, the Foundation believes we can all do something to help others.

Purpose statement:

The Foundation accelerates purpose through its grant making and volunteerism programs curating incredible opportunities to engage hands on with philanthropic causes.

The Open Hearts Philosophy:

The Open Hearts philosophy is inspired by Jane Seymour’s mother, Mieke Frankenberg, who was a prisoner in a Japanese internment camp in Indonesia during World War II. Through her very challenging and dangerous situation, Mieke found that when she was able to help others, even while imprisoned, there was hope and there was purpose. We can all do something to help one another. It was turning this extreme adversity into a mindset, a practical way of approaching challenge that has become the inspiration behind our mission. Mieke passed down this philosophy to Jane and her sisters when they experienced great challenges in life and filled their home with others in need of help and care. When one looks to see what they uniquely can do to help others, their heart remains open and they find purpose.

This Open Hearts Philosophy is what drives the Foundation’s mission forward and has become a movement through its work and legacy, curating a family of likeminded people and businesses working together for the greater good.

Plans for 2025:

Guiding the Foundation is a distinguished Board of Directors: Timothy Mallad, Julie Gallo Vander Wall, Jane Seymour, Richard Gold, Jane Inch, Mark Ebling, and Julie Scanlon.

We are a creative and innovative non-profit organization that believes in the art of the possible, fiscal responsibility, and a grounded passion to turn adversity into opportunity and create change for the greater good.

The Foundation’s goals for 20245 include the following:

Grow the Movement of the Open Hearts Philosophy.

  • Grantmaking Program: The Foundation will continue to provide immediate grants through a Grantmaking Program to empower emerging charities who align with the Open Hearts Philosophy across the United States.

    • The Foundation was thrilled to evolve its grantmaking program from responsive grantmaking strategies through our Emergency Relief Fund that supported charities during the COVID 19 pandemic in 2022. Since then, we have established new guidelines in alignment with the Open Hearts Philosophy. Using best practices in trust-based philanthropy, the Foundation will continue to provide direct support to programs and projects that serve vulnerable women, children, and populations impacted by poverty or low to no equitable access.

  • Volunteerism Program: The Foundation will continue to expand the Volunteerism program to empower the Foundation’s charity partners and inspire individuals to volunteer, find purpose, and do what they can to help others.

    • Building on the successful virtual (Make A Senior Smile and Cards for Kids) and in-person volunteer experiences hosted throughout 2021 - 2024, the Foundation will host two in person or virtual volunteer experiences in partnership with charity partners.

    • We also plan to continue to develop the Foundation’s new Volunteer blog, website, and outreach strategies. Our goal is to provide resources, inspire, and engage individuals and corporations to volunteer in the Open Hearts Movement.

  • The Foundation will strengthen the Open Hearts Movement through collaborative marketing initiatives.

    • In partnership with Jane Seymour, JS Designs, and Coral Canyon Publishing, the Foundation will collaborate and share examples of the Open Hearts Philosophy.

    • The Foundation will continue to collaborate with its Charity Partners to empower their work and impact.

Sustain the Legacy of the Open Hearts Foundation.

  • The Foundation will continue to diversify the Foundation’s annual fundraising plans to provide stability and growth.

    • In response to the pandemic, the Foundation has innovated its fundraising strategies to engage donors in the Open Hearts Movement. We plan to build on the successful virtual Chit Chats, host a Celebratory Gala, seek social impact investments, further develop our Corporate Partners, grow our Giving for Good Monthly Donors, and host exclusive donor social experiences in support of our mission. Contact Helen@openheartsfoundation.org

  • The Foundation will continue to build its governance practices to further ensure the long-term stability of the Foundation.

    • The Foundation will continue to adopt best practice governance policies to support the Foundation and update its bylaws.

    • Utilizing the goals of the strategic plan, our board competencies, and our board matrix, we will continue to steward potential new Board members to serve on the Board of Directors and support the onboarding of new members throughout the year.

    • Research sustainability models to support long-term responsible growth and strengthen the Foundation’s operations and success.